photo wallpaperDo you want to change your wallpaper for a more modern and designer look? Look no further and discover our wide range of high-definition photographic wallpapers.

Scenolia images

You will find photo wallpapers, images, wall decorations of landscape scenes and material effects among our collection There is no better way to give a room a new lease of life or to hide the flaws in a wall.

Escape to the heart of New York with a high-definition photo wallpaper or lie on the shore of a lake thanks to exceptional print quality. With this panoramic Hyacinth Forest wallpaper, immerse your living room into the middle of the Hal wood in Belgium. The high-definition photography is so realistic that it creates a particular ambience in the room. The perspective is just right and this e makes the trompe-l'oeil effect really work.

Our wallpapers are very durable and are available in three materials:

  • Classic non-woven paper
  • Pre-glued non-woven paper (60 cm x 240 cm size only)
  • High quality textile fabric

Print your photos on to wallpaper, boards or posters

Scenolia now offers customization: i.e. your own images can be printed.  Send us your photo in the format you want and we can print it! Personalize a picture, a poster, a wallpaper... for a unique interior decoration that represents you 100%.

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